Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog Post #2 Informal Response

          Technology is taking over our lives. Every where you go or do has something to do with the use of technology. I agreed and disagreed with Kelli's blog post about “Why Digital is Better Than Print” (Kelli). There were points that were true and some were I did not believe was correct. Many people are addicted to the technology we have today.
          We need technology to help us get information. Everyday the internet is constantly being updated with new resources. Kelli states ”Paper is alone when it comes to looking up sources in a quick click. With digital a click away can send you to a lot of different sources” (Kelli). Print can only provide you with one source, digital has a variety of different sources available.
           Print isn't always accurate. It consumes a lot of time. Kelli stated in her blog, “Digital is more organized. While print can lose pages and get messed up” (Kelli). I agree with her statement that digital is easier to work with rather than print. Digital is able to provide you with more information than print.
           Digital cost less and is better for the environment. Cell phone, ipads, and computers may be an expensive cost but is worth it. In the blog Kelli says, “Digital is Eco-friendly” (Kelli), meaning print consists of paper that has to do with global worming hurting our environment. When you add up the costs of all your books, printers and ink it all adds up and effects the ecosystem.
             People will continue the addiction of technology. Digital will just continue to advance while print fades out. Kelli proved her points explaining how digital is better than print with biased and unbiased comments. Our generation will continue to live off technology.

                                                                   Work Cited

Kelli. “Why Digital is Better Than Print” 30 October 2014. Web, 3 November 2014.

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